Hi guys, its me da princess of 24 Carat Ferret Shelter, Miss Meadow
Soprano.  I am getting better and doing much better that a few weeks
ago.  All the testing showed that I have inflammatory dermatitis, caused
by my incontinence and no control of my pooping.  It will be an ongoing
problem, and I'll be on meds for the rest of my life.  But I'm eating
now and gaining my weight back with the yummy duck soup.
I also want to tell you that I'm not the only paralyzed ferret here
anymore.  There is a new guy called Roadrunner.  Mom got a call a few
weeks back that a ferret was hit by a car and is at someone's house in a
box.  Mom called Cindy and she got right over and picked up the little
guy, he went straight to the vet.  He looked like a charcoal colored
ferret with pink eyes, only 10 months old.  After Dr. K got to examining
him she found puncture wounds and bruising on his body, and his pink nose
was bloody.  She thinks he was attacked by a dog and not hit by a car.
After washing him carefully a few times she found out he is a beautiful
albino!  Roadrunner is home now and he is a very sweet boy, he plays with
me and the Godzilla gang and scoots around kinda funny, not like me.  The
doc said he has deep pain in his rear paws and can feel some things.  He
sometimes tried to use his legs, but then just uses his knees to get
around.  Mom is hoping he will someday walk again, with meds and therapy.
He is a silly boy and Mom says he reminds her of Slim Shady, her other
paralyzed baby that passed away.
We also have so many ferrets here, some are old and can't go to new
forever homes, but we have some really nice beautiful babies needed
homes.  Please call if you have room in your heart and home for another
fuzzie.  There are 2 groups of 4, and 2 groups of 3 fuzzies that need to
stay together, all healthy and sweet.  Da Mom says maybe she can get Dave
the driver to meet someone if they live far away and would like to adopt.
The sad news is the Critter passed away a week ago, da Mom had to bring
him to the doc for the shot to let him go.  She cried all day and still
cries when she thinks of him.  Critter was a very special old ferret, and
she loves him very much.  she says its not the same around here with him
not running around and peeing on her feet.  His special red sleepsacks
have been packed away, maybe someday Mom will be able to let another old
fuzzie used them but she says its to hard to look at them right now.
The Robin and the Chyna Monkey are still hanging in and doing OK
considering their age and medical problems.  Mom says they are tough old
broads.  One of our foster girls Brandy is very sick right now, she is
still at the docs and now are running a bone marrow aspirate to see if
she is producing red blood cells.  She is a youngster at 4 years old,
but very anemic.  all the other test are OK for the most part but we are
trying to get her better and return her to her foster Mom Arjay.  Mom
brought a new big boy to the clinic in case she needs a transfusion, he
is bigger that Godzilla, well, very close anyway.  so da Whopper may have
to give her the good blood to help her out till we find the problem and
fix her up.  Bull dog is getting a double root canal by Dr. Hewitt, the
tooth dr.  his bottom k9's are grown into his upper lip causing sores so
they need to be fixed.  Mr. Guy, a resident here needs an exploratory
surgery to find out what the calcification in his x rays is, we are
hoping to get him in as soon as possible.
Da Mom will be putting stuff on e bay with help from Auntie Ingred, and
jolyn, Ed, and Sandy sewed a bunch of stuff to send to a ferret show up
north along with donations from Julie to help raise money for the vet
bills.  Aunt Kelly will be doing another yard sale soon to help too!  We
really need help right now for my shelter friends, Mom is worried about
the vet bill being close to $2000.  she said she will be doing whatever
she can to raise the money for the babies.  She may even being going on
a morning radio show to talk about us!  If you can help in any way,
adopting, sponsoring, donating, bidding on e bay it would really help.
Just let me know, the princess Meadow and I'll let the Mom know, she is
always so busy.
Thanks for your time!
Miss Meadow Soprano
princess of poop at
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
Las Vegas, NV.
[Posted in FML issue 4523]