>Please people stop the hate, the anger, and jealousy, yes sometimes I
>think others start things because they are jeaolus of how much another
>has acheieved.  Lets all get along, help the rescues as they do a
>wonderful job of providing homes for lost little ones who otherwise
>would be sent to the bridge!!!!!!
Here Here Here!!!!  I couldn't have said it any better.  Hey Fuzzy gang,
lets help rescuers and not try to bloody their noses.  I myself have
visited several shelters that have in some way or another been blasted by
other "well meaning" ferret folks but when I went there I saw nothing but
love and care for EVERY Ferret they had.  I have been blasted over my
duck soup recipe that I call The Liquid Ferret Restorer.  I just wanted a
name to have some fun with but the short of it is it works.  My old fret
Mariaha who is 11 eats almost a whole bowl of the LFR each night.  It
that the reason for her longivity?  Probably not by itself but I am sure
it is a factor.  But lets not get on each other over petty things...
Remember this folks...Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the
sweaty things..OK???
I have been a rescuer now for over five years.  Have I made mistakes?
YOU bet.  But then who hasn't?  Five years ago we didn't have such
books like Kim Shilling's Ferrets For Dummies.  A book that I have and
recommend every ferret owner get and READ!!!  But we are supposed to be
like minded people here are we not?  We are supposed to be about helping
the ferrets, and educating people about them are we not?  Why then is
it we try to tear someone a new one every time we see something or hear
something that we don't like?  Why don't you go to the person you have
something against and ask them why they do whatever it is that sets you
on edge?  This is one of the first principles of getting along with each
other..it is called talking.  Dialog if you like, but it opens lines of
communication and that my friends is what is supposed to set us apart
from everyhing else here on God's green Earth, is the fact we can talk
to each other...Get my point?
Best regards to All
Fred Hurd
Reno, Nevada
After All It Is For The Ferrets!!!
[Posted in FML issue 4522]