Thanks for the feedback.  I've considered taking him to the vet, but
thought it might be best to just get him on a schedule here for a day or
two and see if things change.  Also, if it really is something serious
wrong with him, though I'd hate to part with our new pet, I'd have to
consider the possibility of taking him back to the store where we got
him, since we've only had him about 3 days.  I've got both ferrets going
in for shots next week as it is, so I don't want to rush him off to the
vet unless it's something really serious.
As for the wire cage, no, he at petco in a cage with what looked like
wood on the bottom, and 'carefresh' brand bedding.  Glass sides and a
vented aluminum top.  Not the best housing, but not a wire-bottom cage.
Thanks again,
[Posted in FML issue 4522]