I have a female rat that is 2 years old.  She just had her second surgery
to remove a mammary tumor.  The vet said that is was a little difficult
to remove, it has nodules on it.  Because of her age and difficultly of
the surgery she is not a good candidate for another removal.  I found
some info, on ratfanclub.org, saying that you can use Lupron to possibly
stop the growth of the tumors.  I have been trying to find out more info
on this.  Like what are the stats of reoccurance of the tumors when using
Lupron.  How I could find people that have used Lupron in rats?  I know
rats are used in clinical studies for Lupon, but they are given 20 times
the suggested dosage.  That doesn't give me to much valuable information.
Also on the site it says the use of Tamoxifen may be helpful.  Any info
or suggestions on where I could get this would be very appreciated.
[Posted in FML issue 4521]