I was hoping for some advice on how to ease the stress of moving with my
fuzzies.  We move from KS to PA in just ten days, so we started packing.
My ferrets are pretty upset about it.  They have all been through at
least one move, but I don't know how many moves my rescues have seen.
This move will be extremely hard on them because it's a three day drive
there, and then they have to live in a foster home over the summer.  I'll
be there to visit, but I can't keep them in my apartment.  After almost
three months of living in the foster home, we'll pack back up, drive back
to KS, and move into a new home.  Worse than that, their 'dad' that
they've been living with for almost a year, won't be going and won't be
there when we get back.  He has to move out of town to find work (that's
tough on everybody, not just the fuzzies).  We just can't find anyway
around it.
I set out the travel cage so they can get use to it, and I've been
spending extra time with each of them.  Beyond that, I'm not sure what to
do.  We just found insulinoma in our girl, so now she's sick and moving.
She and Rowdy don't seem to realize what's happening yet, but my other
two do.  Slinky is very clingy and flat ferrets a lot.  Riley collected
his toys in the cage, figuring that the cage will go with him, and
they'll go with the cage, I guess.
Any suggestions on making this hard time easier would be greatly
appreciated.  I don't like that we have to do this to them, but the only
other option is for them to stay at a foster home here... and then they
wouldn't get to see anyone they know for three months.
Thanks for your help,
[Posted in FML issue 4521]