Dear Ferret Folks-
I am in the process of applying for 501A status myself, and I cannot
POSSIBLY take on a large number of cuties!  They take so much time and
effort!  Cleaning up after them, feeding and watering them, clipping
their nails, cleaning their ears, (the vet visits are a nightmare) trying
to find where they stashed the remote *this * time!  But does that mean I
shouldn't get tax exempt shelter status?  I think not.  My work is very
You see, I am currently running a shelter for otherwise un-homable
husbands.  Mine, for example, is a biter.  Many is the time he has sunk
down on his knees next to me, bitten my backside, (usually when I'm
cooking so I swat him with a spoon, thumping and scruffing has no effect
although he is not deaf, only acts that way) and said something to the
effect of "good buttmeat!" Not everyone can live with a man like that
obviously, and that is just one of his problems.
Then there is his boat.  I cannot say enough about the boat.  Had to buy
all new seats for the danged thing, rebuilt the transom.  Even bought one
of those tent-like temporary garages to cover it.  (Not that it has ever
been in the water.  This boat is much older than the one at Tiny Prints
that has people so upset, and that one *floats*!)
I figure once my sister and law moves out, and if my mother in law
doesn't object too much (they *are* cute, after all) I can house two more
downstairs.  That will bring the total up to three, and that will be full
capacity.  If I am very lucky, one or two of them may become adoptable,
but really, it's a labor of love.
And it's my business.  A calling really, and nobody should criticise
unless they have tried it themselves.
Alexandra in MA
P.S. I have never taken a *single* S.O.S. dollar, but I welcome
I want to see that %$#@*& boat in the water before I die.
[Posted in FML issue 4520]