Ferret shelterers:
Do you have children making a difference for the pets in your community?
A child posting your pets on Petfinder.com?  Volunteering at your
shelter or adoption days?  Raising money for your organization?  If so,
please help Build-A-Bear Workshop recognize him or her as a hero - a
Build-A-Bear Workshop "Huggable Hero."
From now until June 10, anyone can nominate a child (age 8-18) by
visiting any Build-A-Bear Workshop location or logging on to
Fifteen remarkable kids will be nationally recognized this year as
Huggable Heroes and each will be showcased in the 2005 Build-A-Bear
Workshop Huggable Heroes calendar.  These Huggable Heroes will also
receive a monetary donation in his/her/their name to their cause - your
organization!  Two Huggable Heroes will be honored with a trip to New
York or Los Angeles.
[Posted in FML issue 4520]