Hi ya'll,
I have recently rejoined the FML after about 2 years of being away.  I
currently have 4 ferts, 2 of which are about 4 months old and the other
two are about 4 years old.  I stayed away from FML due to lack of time
basically, but missed the articles, so now that I have downsized several
things in my life, I have a bit more time for myself and to enjoy the
posts again.
I live in Wisconsin with my roomie, 2 AmStaff Terriers, a kitty and our 4
ferts.  We just finished remodeling the "fert room" which got repainted,
refloored and now just setting everything back up for them to run and
dook away.  I haven't had baby ferts in many years, and forgot what poop
machines they really are!!  One is having difficulty with the litter
training, and I am trying out several different tactics to get her to
train easier.  She is a beautiful albino named Sheila.  My other newest
edition is a handsome silvermitt named Tweak.  Silly name, but well
deserved already.  My other two eldest are Larz, my chunky silvermitt,
and Midnite, a dark sable who's my little cuddler.
Last year was a bit rough for me.  I had 6 ferts at that time, but had 4
pass away within a few months of each other.  The eldest in that group
was 7 and my very first fert, Maggie.  Then there was Bandit, my lil
troublemaker who passed on almost a week after Maggie.  After him there
was Gizmo, my flower child and Sylver my lil love bug.  The only thing
the vet could guess was some virus that they all contracted from each
other.  Sylver hung on so long, I thought he was going to pull through,
but in the end, just gave up.  I had scrubbed and scoured everything in
the cage and it didn't seem to do anything.  But with the 4 that were
caged together were the 4 that got sick.
My other two ferts that were in a cage right next to them, are perfectly
fine and healthy.  It was a very very very difficult time for me, and I
know I did everything that I could for them in their time of need, but
to lose all 4 in a matter of months just breaks my heart.
So, now we start over.  My roommate that just moved here a month ago from
Seattle is showering love on all the animals, but especially the ferts.
He has gotten me out of my slump and depression of losing the other lil
ones, and I now had the ambition to redo the room and everything and play
with them all again more than ever.  I know in my heart that all my lil
fert kids are at the Rainbow Bridge dooking and wardancing away without a
care in the world.
Sorry for my rambling, I just wanted to re-introduce myself and the
Heidi and the zoo.
Sheila, Tweak, Larz, Midnite, Buzz, Doc, and Lestat.
[Posted in FML issue 4520]