>From:    "Gina M. Reed" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: thank you for your support
>I am overwhelmed by the offlist support that I have received in
>referenceto my concerns with the Tinyprints rescue.  I want to thank
>everyone who took the time to write me to let me know that I am not
>alone.  It is refreshing to know that there are people out there that
>welcome scrutiny,not all do.  Unfortunately, in the past I have had
>experience with shelters who are not legitimate and that makes me very
>wary of who I support, so I spend a lot of time investigating before I
I think that if a person takes a good look at the above post and the
first one she posted the other day it comes to light that what Gina is
doing is not scrutinizing but persecuting.  I will not go any further
then this as I already sent her my personalized reply but for all its
worth I think that before someone opens their mouth and trashes another
person they should stop and think of the potential damage they are
inflicting.  I thought this post through before I decided to post it.
I think that we, as a whole, are perfectly capable of deciding what
shelter to donate to or not to.  We are smart enough to figure this
out on our own.  So if Gina thought we might need an education on what
constitutes a worthy cause, her words fell short of the mark in my
humble opinion.
Diane M. Taylor
[Posted in FML issue 4518]