Well... Skweeky had her surgery today and is now sleeping on the bottom
level of the cage..  (I hate the way it knocks them so flat), but I have
a question.  has anyone else here had a ferret with No visible adrenal
glands?  I had a call from David (the vet) about 11 this morning, he
was a little confused, try as he might he couldnt find them.  he had
my little kissy girl all opened up and *no adrenals*, he had rummaged
around (my term not his) and done a full visual inspection on her inner
workings, all see fine..  except the lack of the glands which we felt
were the cause of her balding.  Pancreas, Liver, Kidneys all look fine
(although he did say tht liver had a few spots visible) he even took
away a little faty tissue inside... nothing.
So she has a new zipper in her belly, but seems no nearer having a full
coat than she was this morning.  I did manage to contact a friend who has
had many ferrets and she has come across this once before, but had no
explianation for it, save that her ferret did eventually sprout a full
So..  any ideas People?  I know David is going to have a look at a couple
of sites tonight, as he is still learning about ferrets this one I am
sure will stay in his mind for a while.  Alternatively, can anyone
suggest a ferret knowledgable vet I can mail about this?  I was thinking
maybe Dr Williams, my knowledge of ferret "experts" is a little limited,
but I do need to work out what to do about my little bald girl now.
please excuse any typos, I had a "short night" last night..  (pre op
stress kept me awake.)
Our thoughts and prayers to anyone with sick or angelled fuzzie faces.
Cris  &
  Skweek   (Spookydook) (waddya mean Im a bit missing?)
  Rhoobarb (Biteyweezil) (how come she gets the botttom floor all to
  And remembering Custard(Cussie(angel)weezil)  &
  Bubbles (da Warweezil) leader of the Furkidz.. First ferret par
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[Posted in FML issue 4518]