>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>My husband and I are at our wits end.  Our three ferrets have been
>disposing of their feces everywhere in their cage.  When we put their
>feces in the litter pan, they dig it out.  ((screams)) It is a never
>ending battle.  We have even tried putting them on just one level, and
>still they refuse to use the litter pan.  They even started throwing
>their feces out of the cage (through the bars!).
What about just using plan old Newspaper..... I know that our Shelter Mom
has a perfect way of setting it up for the even stubborn ferrets that
want to take it apart.  Just ahve to clip them the right way and use tons
of clips!  Forget the little box cause obviously that's not working.....
[Posted in FML issue 4500]