Skweeky, my little kissy girl goes in for adrenal surgery tomorrow, She
is going bald rapidly and it looks identical to the way Bubbles went
when he had an adrenal problem.
Luckily, I have trcaed the vet who operated on him, the same vet I was
wishing I could find last December when my big handsome guy was fighting
(and losing)a mystery illness.
Thankfully David (the vet) has now settled at a prcatic ein a nearby
town and agreed to operate on Skweek... reminding me that "he isnt a
ferret expert", but I know he will again be reading up at Dr Williams
site, which he found greatly helpful last time.  Rhoobarb has been
co-opted as blood donor in case, as the prcatice is around 30 mins from
here she is going to be "on hand" during surgery, and as she has really
earned her nickname of Biteyweezil, Im going to be on hand too just in
case she needs to be handled..  better she chomps me than anyone else.
Please think happy thought for my tiny little girl, she want no more out
of life than a shoulder to stand on so she can clean my ears and wash my
face, she is my 2nd (bubbles was the first), and having suffered the loss
of 2 in 2 years I am really nervous.
My thoughts to others with sick fuzzie heart thieves
Best regards,
Cris  &
  Skweek   (Spookydook)
  Rhoobarb (Biteyweezil)
  And remembering Custard(Cussie(angel)weezil)  &
  Bubbles (da Warweezil) leader of the Furkidz.. First ferret par
  excellence                         mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 4516]