Sorry I have not posted in a while.  I have had to deal with a few things
here lately.  I had finals and I was up for a promotion, that and of
course the ferret illnesses that usually follow.  But tonight is a sad
night.  Riley is not doing so well.  The past few days she was not eating
all that she should.  I went in to the vet this morning and things were
way off.  Her glucose was at 27 and I'm told below 30 is usually fatal.
The doctor gave her sub-q, Tagamet and dextrin something or other.  I
got her home and gave her some Carafate and food.  I tired to feed her
a little more a couple of hours later, but she was resistant.  This
evening, she is unresponsive.  The signs are there that she may not make
it through the night.  I guess I knew this was coming, but it doesn't
make it any easier.  She is 8 yrs and 7 months, so this is not really a
surprise.  It just seemed like last time, we got her to the doctor and
gave her the meds, later that day she was up and picking on the boys.  I
guess I had just hoped for the same miracle.  I'm not really sure why
I'm writing.  I don't need advice and I don't really think there are any
lessons here.  Maybe I just needed to write.
James, Melissa, Kassidy & Jasmine
Loving:  Bebe, Riley, Fred & Max
Missing:  Wheezer, Pym, Rikki, Jako
[Posted in FML issue 4514]