Yippie!!!  Yesh!  Ahem...funny stories!  How many am allowed to write?
Hmmmm.......since coming to Kansas (working here on assignment) -
Ricky and Lucy <<AKA...Romulus and Helena>> - have decided to "go" their
separate ways.  I station puppy pads in the areas most likely to be used
as a potty break (usually AFTER they go first (not on purpose) - but at
least I know where to put em!).  Ricky has decided that the puppy pad
in the bathroom is now his "sleep" mat, much to Lucy's consternation.
This is HER potty spot and everytime she goes to "go" there - she finds
Ricky - laying there smiling his furry little smile......saying.....I
DARE you!!!  It is hilarious!  She walks over - sniffs him - he chomps
her foot - she runs off bewildered....as he lays there and snickers
silently behind his fuzzy little paws......then she will dash off to HIS
pad and use it.....much to HIS consternation......now on to the funny
I usually keep a glass of water on my nightstand (yes, I know I am
inviting trouble) for nightime drinking.  For the past year or so,
though, I usually dump it out in the morning (or move it when I am not in
bed) and then set the glass back down.  The kids are used to climbing
into the empty glass and playing "roll me off the table" with each other.
They take turns, and seem to have fun doing this.  Yesterday I forgot to
dump the water out.  Oops..  I saw Ricky head into the bedroom.....and
the thought occurred to me (yes, too late) that I didn't move the water.
I went in, just in time to see him tip the glass (which is usually empty
by this time) over on his OWN head.  Anyone ever hear a ferret scream?
Swear?  See one flip you off?  Yep.  All that happened.  He cursed me
out - and while he was doing so, Lucy came running to his rescue.....she
slid in the spilled water and dumped the empty glass on his head.  It was
rather like one of those "funniest home videos" moments.......wheeeee -
slooop.....slosh......THWAP.  He didn't speak to either of us for the
rest of the night......
Toodles and dooks!
Kim and Her mini army of idiots...
[Posted in FML issue 4513]