>sigh, i seem to have big black ants and i think they are living in the
>ferret's room.  I plan on moving the ferrets and opening up all the
>ducts to find them, but is there a poison that won't hurt the ferrets
>(and dog and cats)?
Hi Becki ~
I always try to use natural herbs on ants.  You can sprinkle dried
pennyroyal, goldenseal, or catnip on the counters.  If the ants are
near pets I usually get some cheesecloth and add dried loose bay leaves,
crushed cloves, pennyroyal, thyme, and eucalyptus.  Tie it up so it hangs
away from the pets.  Ants will leave the area.  Works on doorways for
flies too.
Warmly ~
Mary L. Conley, ND, Herbalist
Conley Farm Organic Herbs
Online Classes
[Posted in FML issue 4513]