Just wanted to say a quick thank you to all who offered assistance and
encouragement.  Ferret people ARE the best.  I will be receiving a
camera, thanks so much.  I know that selling hammocks isn't the forever
answer, but it will keep me on my feet right now, aside from my car
payment, which is becoming critically past due (I'm now hiding my car
in fear that they will come and take it in the middle of the night).  I
have also received an offer for someone to make a donation to my vet,
which is good because my balance has to be paid in full before I can
take the kids back for vacs in June.  Yet another FML'er has offered to
donate some food for my fuzzies, and another has offered to auction off
a hand made glass piece and donate the proceeds to my fuzzy fund.
I am so deeply humbled by the assistance that has been offered to me in
my time of need.  I appreciate it, and I know my ferrets do too.
Once I get the camera, I have about 17 auctions to post, so keep your
eyes peeled for the link: )
One more thing~ happy birthday Sneaker!!!!!  My oldest one, she's growing
up so fast (sniff), she will turn 2 on Sunday.  She is expecting a full
out party with hats and streamers and a cake all for her!  I might spoil
her, but she's not getting a cake, I don't care HOW much she begs.
Thanks again,
[Posted in FML issue 4512]