Thank you so very much for the wonderful compliments I have been getting
especially on the FML list.  WOW..I am just so overwhelmed and happy
everyone loves my magnets and other items I offer in my store.  Like I
said before, I love donations, however, if I can give you something in
return for a "Donation", I am very happy then also.
All proceeds from our auctions on ebay go to support all the ferrets in
my rescue group.  I have several ferrets who require monthly medical
care along with the normal shelter costs for shots, ADV testing, Litter,
Food, Treats, Bedding etc.  By having my auctions and by having everyone
support me by purchasing from my store, allows me to continue to do what
I love, and that is to Rescue.  Ferrets have added so much to our family
life, with showing, the daily crazy behavior, the kisses and yes.....
bites.  Going on the boat with us and so much more.  By giving back to
them through rescue is very rewarding.  So I would like to welcome
everyone to my Ebay store, take a look around, bookmark the site as for
it changes every week, and when you purchase something, keep in mind you
are helping a ferret who is staying with us temporary or long term (like
with our older ferrets).  Enjoy all your purchases and thank you again
for the great compliment!  It means alot to me and my family!
Marguerite and her loving and supportive family and all the ferrets in
our rescue (Irwin, Anna, Roxie, Wilber, Reese, Iggy, Isabelle, Adrienne,
Rocky and the SpokesFerret........Ms. Chickadee).  The Faces of Rescue
Magnet Series Models!
PS.......If you are not into the ebay thing, we do sell directly, so just
email us at: [log in to unmask]
TinyPrints Shih Tzu and Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue
TinyPrints Ferret Rescue Ebay Store
[Posted in FML issue 4511]