It's turning out to be a busy month here in the State of Maine, at least
for us here at the shelter.
We held the Ferret Club meeting the first weekend of the month, and had a
good turnout, and even met a new ferret owner just by us being overheard
talking about ferrets.  I guess it pays to speak loudly..
May 15th
We will be having a car wash to benefit the shelter ferrets.
The car wash will be held at Pet Quarters in Scarborough, Me, from 11:00
am until ???  We can always use volunteers who don't mind (like) getting
wet while raising money for some great shelter kids.
May 22nd
We will be at PetFest 2004 in Oxford, Me from 9:00 am until 4:00 pm.
There will be vendors, shelters and rescue groups (all species) from
around Maine and New England.  There will even be tryouts for Animal
Planets "Pet Star" tv show.
May 23rd
We will be in No. Conway, NH at the 9th Annual Ferret Fun Day put on by
the folks at Ferret Services of Freedom.  (NH)
This event is always a lot of fun and all proceeds benefit the needy
shelter ferrets.  There will be vendors from around New England, and
they will have plenty of items to purchase for you or for your ferrets.
May 30th
The Ferret Club of Maine will be having a Yard Sale to benefit the Ferret
Rescue of Maine.
Last years yard sale netted over $600 towards the shelter's vet bill.  (2
Adrenal surgeries)  We still are looking for items to include in the yard
sale as well as volunteers to help throughout the day.  To donate items,
or to volunteer, email or call Jim at 207-423-2297.
May 31st
A Day off !!
For more information on any of the above items, please email
Jim @ [log in to unmask] or call 207-423-2297.
Ferret Rescue of Maine
A State licensed, 501c3 Non-profit shelter.
Donate to shelter ferrets by clicking
[Posted in FML issue 4510]