The symposium s coming
To St. Louis, MO
And the names of the speakers
You must want to know!
We plan to have some
Of the people you love
And we plan to bring new ones
Who fit like a glove.
The first that I ll mention
Is a new one to us,
But we know you will love him
For all the good that he does.
He takes care of pets
In the place he was born;
He talks to their owners
On TV in the morn.
Oh, and speaking of TV,
Have I mentioned it yet?
You have probably seen him
On Emergency Vets!
He talks, and much more
He waxes comedic;
Those shoes that he wears
They re not orthopedic!
His toes they do twinkle
When he does the soft shoe;
His eyes they will sparkle
When he tips his top hat to you!
They say he can cook,
I don t know if that s true;
But the test of his mettle is
How good is his roux?
Do you know who it is?
Do you think you can guess?
Or have all of my clues
Left your mind in a mess?
I won t leave you hanging
Get ready to cheer
For we want to welcome
A new speaker this year!
All you attendees,
We want to herald
The gracious acceptance of
Dr. Kevin Fitzgerald!
Renee Downs
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4510]