My name is Corrine, sadly my brother has acquired a sever allergy to my
father's ferret.  It is a very nice friendly ferret, it walks on a leash
outside, has a very large three story rolling cage that was custom made
and has a smaller cage also on wheels.  We used to have another ferret
but we were able to find a loving home for it.  I think our ferret is
also lonely as it misses the other ferret.  We live in Toronto in the
High Park area and have been looking for a suitable and loving home for
the ferret but have had no luck.  We don't want to give it to The Humane
Society as that is very cruel.
I was wondering if you may know anyone that would like the ferret and the
cages?  Is there a way to post a message to your ferret chat group?  I
tried to contact the chat group but I was unsuccessful.  I was wondering
if you may have any other ideas as to how to find a loving home for my
ferret?  If you have any ideas my family and I would greatly appreciate
any information you could possibly provide.  I can be reached via e-mail
at [log in to unmask] home# 416-766-8871 or my Father John can be reached
at 416-762-8750 or 416-988-5565.
Thank you for your help
[Posted in FML issue 4509]