Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled vacuum vanquishers...
"I got that big, mean, noisy monster!  I'll just drag...wait...its still
noisy...and moving...and has that big think I'll go
see what the cats are up to..."
Troy Lynn's Pond:
Go for it, Troy Lynn!  One idea, though.  Find a piece of material (like
a piece of old bedsheet, for instance) that you can put at the top of the
"waterfall" (across the 'exit'), to act as a filter.  If your kids are
playing in it, there is no telling how much fur (and other items!) might
end up in that pond.  With the piece of material as a filter, it will
catch most things, keeping the pump working properly.
Stephanie Gilbert (Ferret Bookend?):
You *do* realize that all ferret bookends come with a special, secret
mechanism that kicks any books near it, off of the shelf, don't you?
This is required by law.  Ferrets won that lawsuit several years ago.
Deva Kolb (Vets in Bakersfield):
Of *course* there are vets in Bakersfield!  Since there are no
politicians for them to work on around there any more, they've had to
resort to working on animals! :)  However, if you are looking for a
*ferret* vet, you might want to be more specific! :)
Still Grinding Teeth:
Obvious solution: take away his power tools!  He's not a dentist, so
he shouldn't be messing with teeth!  Besides, power tools and ferrets
shouldn't mix.  Ferrets as bartenders, though...
Friday is Last Day for Raffle!
Ha!  Its the last day for *your* raffle!  My ferrets, on the other hand,
are holding a permanent raffle to get rid of the cat and kitten! (bids
are being accepts by an anonymous party)  They think that, if they can
raise enough money in a raffle, they can "buy freedom" for the cats, then
have the house (and me!) to themselves!  Fat chance!  The cats know where
the keys to the house are!  Now, if they will only share that information
with me!
All of the above (except the one about Troy Lynn's pond!) are meant in
jest and humor.  Get a grip!  Laugh!  It will confuse everyone and make
your ferrets wonder just what you are up to!
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Comedy Team...uh...Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 4499]