This topic brings back many early ferrety memories for me.
Organizations who were the stepping stones FURO, LIFE...
What many of the current list readers might not realize is that the HSUS
statement on ferrets is from 1998.  That is the year that they publicly
made a statement recognizing ferrets AS pets.  A wonderful accomplishment
for the now defunct L.I.F.E. (Legion of Independent Ferret Enthusiasts),
which under the guidance of Ann Davis, did manage to get a program into
the content of the HSUS conference in FL.  I know, because I was
privileged to speak on the panel which included Pam Grant and Jean
Wardell, DVM.  The Message to the humane community- "Opening the Doors"
mainstreaming ferrets into existing humane shelters.
Before that time almost all humane entities referred to ferrets as will &
vicious animals.  While I agree the verbage, in this day and age is
somewhat antiquated, HSUS stepped up - before AHA and SPCA to recognize
ferrets as pets.  There is NO DISPUTE that humans suffer a higher bite
rate from dogs, rats etc.... but the truth is that Ferrets SHOULD be
supervised - AS ANY PET - with young children!
Perhaps this will shed a little light on the passage on the HSUS site
(thankfully they are still acknowledging ferrets as pets - so lets NOT
rock that boat!) which seems to have caused some angst and concern among
the readership.
Lets all continue to work to PROMOTE more education about and for ferrets
in our communities at large!
Alicia Drakiotes,
former LIFE  Ark Angel shelter coordinator
IFC Education coordinator,
Shelter / hospice mom - vet tech
[Posted in FML issue 4506]