I have heard one of my ferts bark only once when it was suddenly scared
but Byte-me howls.
When she wants a raisin in the dead of the night she will stand at the
end of the bed and howl lifting her head up like a wolf to the sky
(ceiling) and with lips curled to a tight 'O' in the front she will howl
on and on until I get up and get her that favorite treat, the raisin.
When I start to open the can where I store the raisins she will roar
like a lion in between Hyena yips.  At first this was thought to be most
unusual but from what I read this is normal, I guess.
At least she doesn't try to sell my secret Baked Bean recipe like that
dog does on TV.
Gordon and Byte-me
Missing Podo, Bud, Nibble-ed and Kodo
[Posted in FML issue 4506]