Hi this is SaraFerret's mommy.  Ferretlovers email was down for awhile
and I couldnt even look at messages.  Now that it is working once again,
I can relay SaraFerret's messages to the world.  I dont know if I
mentioned this before, but SaraFerret has a speech problem which makes it
rather difficult to write what she wants me to write.  But that is why
her messages come across like they do.  SaraFerret is definitely not
limited intellectually-she was the smartest ferret that ever lived with
one very baddd habit--biting--sigh--Mommy carries many scars from her
baby even from the last night she spent here on earth.  I was so hoping
she would change, but apparently she has simmered down a bit.  Now on to
the news from SaraFerret.
Hi dere dis is SaraFerret reporting from de Rainbow Bridge.  De other
day a beautiful ferret came sailing across de walkway to the sound of de
StarWars theme.  Wow I never heard of dat before.  Here business dat was
already here (Slippery, Ewock, and Easy) were jumping up and down and
cheering for their Princess.  I mean I has heard of fancy entrances, but
dis took de cake if ya knows whats I means.  Her business were jus so
happys to see her.  Cheering and all dat.  She tells me immediately dat
she misses her earth family with a princess dainty like tear from her
eye, but dat she was sooo happy to be aways from all dat pain.  To be
quite honest, she was taken aback when she sees me in dat goofy safari
outfit dat Sandee (de boss keeper) makes me wear, combines with my little
bitty head.  I explains to her dat I was de assistant to Sandee when she
gets busy, and dat de Boss usually makes us all perfect when we come but
for some reason, He was just taken with my looks and --sigh--I was left
wit my little head.  Well she hugs me and tells me dat I am a nice ferret
and it is nice to meet someone who isnt whatcha say perfect here.  What a
nice ferret-girl.
Wells all dat aside we asks her if shes wants de sparkly or just white
wings--of course being a princess she says she wants de beautiful sparkly
ones and de sparkling halo to go wit dem.  So we gets de strap-on wings
on her and all dat.  We fills our secret backpacks up wit snacky tings
and we went off to see if we could find a place befitting a princess and
her business to lives.  We evens flew to dat cold place where de ermines
and a lots of minks live, of course most of dem likes to live in de warm
area with all de other mustelids live.  But she said she didnt think dose
were what she wanted.  Her business den flew back to where dey live but
dey could see it was quite big enough for even one dainty Princess.
Where to live, hmmm--she didnt tink she wanted to live by de wild boys--
she tells me but she didnt tink she wanted to party all de time.  Den dey
found de perfect place a cozy little place just perfect for them and of
course a place to hang out.  I tells Princess dat we donts have classes
here so even doe she was a princess on earth she would be a regular
ferret here--she said she was a bit tired of being a princess-- just a
real pain, sometimes.  Its jes hard to be gracious all the time.  I tells
her dis new place was perfect but it was ups to her and it was close to
de blackfoot ferrets and noisy.  She said well maybe I do need to let
down my hair and become a war dancer wit de others.  So dey set to fixing
up de place.  I hung around for a while and then zipped over to party
country and danced dere with de guys.  Jes plan fun
Tired but happy and Dooks to all
[Posted in FML issue 4504]