A reminder: ANNUAL  Ice Cream Social  & Yankee Swap
will be held Saturday MAY 15th!  1-3 PM
at the Ferret Wise Annex!
All are welcome. RSVP's are appreciated!
There will be Hot fuge, hot butterscotch, whipped cream, cherries,
sprinkles and Strawberries, bananas, a variety of ice cream, home made
brownies ( for Brownie sundaes) nuts and more.
Donations appreciated ( for shelter fund) but not required.  Hosted by
the folks that keep the programs going here at Ferret Wise!
Those attendees planning to participate in Yankee Swap please consider a
$7 cut off per swap item for either ferrets or ferret friends!
Those needing directions please email: [log in to unmask]
and a reminder Jerimiah does NOT need ice cream!.
[Posted in FML issue 4503]