Hiya folks,
I was a wonderin if someone had lost de little kits that came across de
bridge earlier.  I should have known.
At any rate there was a group of 8 teeny tiny kits that came wandering
across de bridge.  We had to run over and help dem as we tought dey were
gonna fall off.  Dey did have dere eyes open and dey had de prettiest
fur--unlike regular kits I mean dey were gorgeous.  Dey didnt seem to
know where or what dey were doing dere.  But as always we welcome de
little kits as dey are so cute.  We explained who we were and one of the
spokes-kit of dat group asked me if I was dere mommy--wow I had big tears
in my eyes--I told dem I would be happy to be dere mommy until dere real
mommy came across--so dey all snuggled up to me (wow I guess motherhood
comes natural when ya is a girl furry but I never had any babies as mommy
had me spayed) Dey were so happy dat dey had found a mommy--I tells dem
dat dere would be lots of us girl furries that would be all around.  But
I found de tiniest halos and miniature wings to put on dem--oh were dey
proud of dose.  We tried out a short lesson on flying and dey did dere
best although Alexis--the spokes-kit did a nose dive at de beginning but
den dey all picked it up and went on a very short tour -about 2 minutes.
Dey wanted to know where dey were gonna eat as dey were babies and
couldnt very well eat kibble and fruit.  Well what to do.  I trotted
over to de Boss who had been dere watching de arrival and he says well
SaraFerret you is a bright girl so you should be able to come up with
someting.  Eureka, I figured it out--I checked in de fridge and wouldnt
you know it--bottles and bottles of de best furrie milk and very rich
dat would tide dem over until dey realize dat dey were here and could
eat kibble.  Now here Is go-ferret #1 Alexis said she could waits a
while until de littlest ones got dere feel.  Finally (my arms felt like
dey were dropping off) we finished de 8 bottles and den dey asked well
substitute Mommy where is we gonna stay--well I tells dem dat I guess I
would have to keeps dem wit me and dee rest of de boys in my business
could learn how to feed and change diapers--yecchy.  Dey will soon be
litter trained (hope-hope).  I got dem settled in and dey were so small
dat one little hammie with side rails was enough to hold dem all in.
We put de side rails in so dey wouldnt fall out.  Dey sure was cute all
nestled in and aaking happy little sleepy noises--wow did I feel like a
Den--oh my--12 little kits came across de bridge soon after dat.  Now us
mustelids sure do love de little guys--dey are so sweet and innocent--but
we is all dreading what hoomans call de terrible twos cuz even doe it is
all perfect here dere is a learning period we alls gets to have.  The 8
little kits and a whole bunches of other girl ferrets were watching in
amazement as dey hopped skipped and jumped across de bride--now dese were
live wires and we could see that our paws would be fulls.  Luckily all
dese girl ferrets could tink of how good dere mommies had been (de
fortunate ones who were raised wit dere mommies and not on a furry farm)
and so we didnt have to run and get dem dey just danced dere little ways
into our hearts.  Dey were such sweeties.  No names yet, but I am sure
Sandee and I can work on dose.  Even Sandee as busy as she was ran over
excitedly and offered to take four in but we decided some experienced
mommies who hung out togetters would be best.
So 6 mommies who had had kits who had been taken away from dem at an
earlier age became de proud mothers of 12 little kits complete with
really miniature haloes and wings.  Dey were jes little dolls and dere
were oohs and ahs all over de place.
Now later when Mommy gets backs from her much needed vacation we wills
have names for de new ones.
Mommy is sad as one of her older furkids is sick and may not live till
she comes back but her dd is going to ferret sit until mommy comes back--
mommy sure needs a rest.
So until den, Hugs and dooks to all of you and to de brave soldiers of
whatevers wars hoomans do to stir tings up--de Boss sends His loves as
it donts matter which side dey are on--dey are all His children.
Bye for nows
SaraFerret and mommys
[Posted in FML issue 4529]