Hi Folks,
I recently adopted two three year olds, a female and a male.  I have a
four year old male named Powder and a five year old female named Panda.
Powder loves his new friends, but Panda attacks any chance she can.  I
tried bathing the newbies and putting my kids bedding into newbies cage,
which is side by side my kids.  They have been looking and smelling each
other for 10 days since they came to live here.  I have introduced
ferrets before, but never have witnessed such aggression.  Panda shakes
and hisses and she is the one screaming when she attacks them.  I am
trying keeping her on a leash while all play but if they come even close
to her, she tries to attack.  I need to know if I need to return the
newbies now or if there is hope my Panda will come around.  I don't want
to get anymore attached than I already am.  Any suggestions??
It has been a long winter here with my Powder not eating on his own
since October.  He is fnally eating on his own after many different meds
(biaxin and zantac finally worked) for his helicobactor.  I celebrated
by adopting two newbies from some caring people who just don't have time
for them anymore.  I really want this to work, please help!!
Lisa, Panda, Powder and newbies, Sydney and Pado
[Posted in FML issue 4487]