The blue ear tatoos would indicate how many many humans the ferret has
"off'ed" under the orders of "FLO".  Just kidding.  Seriously, it means
your ferret led a less than virtuous life in its younger years.  Be
thankful it didn't sneak out and get a tat of a crossed out cat of
something.  I hear that Petey the Pooped on has a tat of naked ferret on
his forearm and that Switch the Kit has a John Deere tatoo on her butt.
Okay, I'll tell you the truth.  They are markers from the Marshal Farms.
One dot is to indicate neutering and the other is to indicate descenting.
There is also a teensy toe tatoo that is often given, but its very
difficult to find on most ferrets and given to the side of the toe where
you can't see.
[Posted in FML issue 4498]