Since reading many postings about deaf ferrets, I started wondering about
my own sweet Wheezy.  For some time I've noticed that she doesn't seem
bothered by loud noises, but always thought it was because she is a very
laid-back little girl.....not afraid of anything.....cats, people, high
places, the vacuum cleaner.  etc.  So my daughter and I *tested* her.
With my daughter holding her, facing away from me, I took a metal pot and
tossed it onto the linoleum floor of the kitchen.  While the cats who
were nearby all jumped or ran, Wheezy didn't even turn her head to look
toward the sound.  We tried it a second time with the same results.  We
also tried ear-piercing screams, whistles and loud stereo music turned on
So we now assume she is totally deaf.  She is over 9 years old, and
healthy.  She is happy, and functions quite well in every other way.  Is
it mainly age-related, or what?  I would appreciate any ideas.....not
that it would change anything, but I'm just curious as to what could have
caused it.
Mary Parker
[Posted in FML issue 4497]