Hello my ferret friends.  I have a very sad story to share and I am
hoping that someone, somewhere, out there can help.
I got a call today from a very nice man with 4 ferrets under 2 years
old.  He has cancer and is going through chemotherapy and radiation.  he
is very weak and having a very hard time caring for his "kids".  His
story touched me very close to home since I cared for my mom while she
was dying of cancer.
2 of his ferrets were his from the start.  2 of them came to him from a
young girl who was dying of cancer.  she begged him to take them when
she died and he did.  At that time in his life, he was in remission from
cancer and very healthy.  the cancer came back a few months ago and he
is in bad shape at the moment.
He does as much as he can for his kids, they are currently living in a
25 cubic foot cage that's 6 feet high.  they don't get out of the cage
anymore as he is not able to run after them and keep them out of trouble.
he does provide dig boxes and fun games for them while they are in the
cage but is very sad to have to keep them in this way.
He would love to keep his kids and calls them his family but right now he
is too weak.  Through tears, he has asked me to help him find a home for
them, one that will allow them to play and be free.  He wishes that he
could find someone that could take them until his chemo and radiation is
finished in 7 months but doesn't think anyone would help him.  I have
hope and wish that someone would help.  This is why I send this e-mail
out to you all.  I am pleading for someone to please take his family
temporarily until he is finished treatment.  there is nothing worse than
feeling weak and alone or missing your family, knowing you will never
see them again.
If ANYONE can commit to taking his kids for 7 months, until he is well
again, PLEASE e-mail me.  From my heart to yours, please help give this
man some hope.
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society "For the Love of our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4497]