Hi all dis is de Ms SaraFerret.  Mommy sends her sorries as she has not
been feeling good wit de sugar in her blood sorta like insulinoma in us
furkids.  I fussed at her because I have lots of responsibilities esp
when Sandee is on assignment.  But den Mommy cried so I had to console
her.  She means well but sometimes she jes gets sicks.
Anyway as to my job as substitute gatekeepr and alternate.
Dere was dis Brat and Sandy at de bridge de other day--cant remember
dates as we jes dont have dose her.  I didnt check to see if dey were
girls or boys and I couldnt very well check as dats sorta personal and
dere mommy didnt tells my mommy.  But dats not important as I gots dem
decked out in de new easter color wings just specially colors for de
season-dey rinse off with de rain so no problem and de pretty sparkly
wings.  Den we flew off to finds dem dere digs.  I am practicing on being
cool.  We found a real sharp condo model with new fuzzy?  hammies hanging
from white clouds--I have to admit it was one of de prettier places and I
havent seen it before.  Please excuse my writing as I am not de world's
greatest speller.  Dey sends dere loves to dere earth people and tell dem
not to cry too hard as one of dese dayss dey will be together, and right
now dey are as happy as ferrets in a tunnel LOL!!!!!
I also met a little ferret named Bobbie who came across with a very small
teddy bear--amazing what dese kids bring wit dem.  Also amazing is de
fact dat hoomans cant bring anything with them when dey pass but we
ferrets can bring anything except the cage and what we can stuff in our
little backpacks (surely you know all ferrets have backpacks--where else
would we put all de stuff we collect).  Bobbie sends his love to his
mommy and lots of dooks
And a darling little ferret named Little Miss Baby and she sure was
sweet--she sounded like one of dem southern belle ferrets--ya know da
kind dat kinda drawl out dere dooks.  We gots her decked out in her new
Easter wings and her halo (after she quit falling on de floor from
laughing at me wit my safari outfit (geesh I wish sandee hadnt done dat
to me--esp wit my bony legs and pin head).  She did say she was sorry for
laffing tho, and she knew dat it wasnt polite.  I just sighed and told
her I had given up trying to look fetching and just accepted de clothes
dat Sandee Ferret had decked me out in.  We found her a dainty little
dwelling --she said she didnt want to be in wit others just yet, aas she
wanted to check for a really compatible roomate (she sure uses dem big
words.) She really wanted a canopied hammock (what is dis wit all de
jills wanting canopy beds.  So we had to really hunt a vacant spot as
there unfortunaately has been aa real infludx of fuzzies.  Den we spotted
it--jes perfect she said--a little tiny one wit a tree no less--dont ask
me how de tree got dere-probably some ferret packed it in his backpack
when he came across and then forgot where he put it.  So we fixes up a
hammie from de tree and a blue cloud for de canopy--hard job getting dos
clouds to cooperate being squished into a canopy but we found one of de
guys who happened by and put him to work fixing up de new place--I left
dem to sort out de other things as I was trying to keep track of all de
newcomers what wit sandee being on assignment
to be continued on next email as dis is way too long
[Posted in FML issue 4473]