Normally I wouldn't consider slamming someone and especially on the FML,
but I tell ya, I had to respond to your even MORE despicable post aimed
at Gordon.
YOU run a shelter????  What in hell were you thinking attacking Gordon
like that?  I can think of NOTHING you could have said that would have
been more cruel.  "Hit him over the head with a shovel?"  How could you
say such a thing?  You are a heartless person and I hope you take a good
look at yourself.  NO ONE knew what Kodo was going through except Gordon.
I do NOTsee his actions as selfish at all.  He loved Kodo and truly did
what he thought was best.  I can't question his intentions as I didn't
see Kodo.
I've had to help Lucy to the Bridge and I still wonder if I acted too
soon, but that is something I live with.  My precious Bubbie died in his
sleep during the night.  I'd made the PAINFUL decision to help him to the
Bridge that morning but thank God he saved me from actually having to
follow through.  I was is agony that night with the realization of what
I'd have to do in the morning.  I would have been PISSED had you said
those hateful things to me.  It's been TWO years, two LONG years and I
still grieve for my babies.  I think you owe Gordon a public apology!
Just my 2 cents...
Sno, Pooh, Lexus, Maggie
Missing at the Bridge:  Holly, Michael, Lucy, and Rocky (Bubbie)
[Moderator's note: There are two sides to every story.  Should Marlene
wish to say something else I'd consider it, but I think the topic is
pretty much burnt out otherwise.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4492]