Just wanted to let everyone know that I took my little guy to the vet.
A urinalysis was done along with a usual physical with palpation.  Both
were normal- no crystals found in the urine, no sign of bacteria, no
lumps found on palpation (He's a good vet and I know he was thorough).  A
fecal was also done and lo and behold - he has giardia.  So now he and
the rest of my business have to take Flagyl since they all share the same
cage and litter boxes.  I have no idea where the giardia came from but
giardia is spread oral-fecal or through fecal contaminated food or water.
Remember, I recently adopted this little guy - who knows how long he has
had it.
Does anyone have more info on giardia?  My "Ferrets for Dummies" had a
very brief page on it.  The Flagyl dose prescribed is .10 cc twice a day
for 10 days.  When I dosed everyone today, they almost vomitted!  The
gagging was horrible- does anyone know of a more palatable way to dose
them?  I know that giardia can be spread to humans also.
Anyway, the bladder mystery was not solved, but the vet said that
sometimes an infection can be there even though tests are negative.  But
the Flagyl will work on that infection at the same time if there is any
infection, per my vet.  Thanks to all again.
[Posted in FML issue 4492]