I've been lurking here for some weeks now, but your post about your
ferrets attack on Gremlin has moved me to write to you.  I know that
nothing I or anyone says will lift your heart after this tragedy, however
I felt I had to try.  Unfortunately people make mistakes, its a fact of
life that you just can't get away from.  What counts is that your son
has learnt a valuable lesson (the consequence of his actions), and I bet
you've learnt that sometimes "extra" precautions need to be made.  I
think you're really brave and strong to write to the FML about your
experience so that we can all learn from it.  I also greatly admire you
for tracking down an injured kitten and nursing him in your home.  Most
people would have turned the other way.  Feel good in the knowledge that
you did your very best, and that little Gremlin got to experience some
love in his short life.
I'm writing this in a spirit of compassion, it's not intended as a
criticism in anyway.  I know how it feels to loose a pet in such a way -
my childhood guinea pig was took by foxes as I forgot to close his hutch
one day.  You can't turn back time and do things differently, all you can
do is continue loving all the other animals and make sure such a thing
never happens again.
My thoughts are with you at this time,
[Posted in FML issue 4491]