I think BIG's note on all this was the best comment made so let it all
settle with that and be done with it.  The FML is not a forum for
slamming and accusations, it is for fun, education, and friendship.
Bickering such as this is counter to all that.
As to one last post not complimentary to me, I would like to offer some
data on Kodo.
Kodo had megasophagus.  Their esophagus gets really enlarged and is why
they can't swallow, so everything comes back up and they make a gurgling
sound.  There is no cure for it.  Handfeeding for as long as you can as
I did but eventually not enough will down to keep them alive.  It's a
terrible condition and not seen real often.  I don't think it was cruel
trying to keep him alive for as long as I did.  I kept him with me until
there was absolutely no hope and he began to suffer.
I was accused of putting him down with the blunt end of a shovel, an
e-mail in private from a very twisted and cruel person.  I was accused
of having my pets live out on the porch where it is extreme in heat and
cold.  Kodo was put down not with a shovel, but in a most humane way
where he felt no pain in the process and was in a most comfortable
environment.  As to the porch, yes, they do live out on the porch in good
weather.  In cold weather they are in the family room kept warm by the
fireplace insert.  In hot weather they also are inside where it is cool.
Again making comments not seeing the whole story is total ignorance and
from a very twisted mind.
But let those excellent words of moderator BIG carry the theme of the day
for the FML so we can go back to the kindness to each other.  I had over
30 very kind e-mails from at least 30 very kind and good friends on the
FML, but only one negative.
Gordon and Byte-me
[Posted in FML issue 4491]