Hi everyone,
I haven't posted in a long time due to being busy with school, etc...
fortunately (?) I'm home sick today so i have time to post my question!
Here goes: My Sebastian had aderenal surgery back in February, where they
removed a gland containing a benign tumour.  Since then he has bounced
back wonderfully in every capacity but one: his hair.  Before getting
sick he had the most gorgeous salt-and-pepper fur-- I have a friend who
used to joke that he would make a good fur coat!  During his bout with
adrenal, he lost pretty much his entire undercoat, as well as the base
of his tail and his whole butt going bald.  Now, when my Lola had her
surgery this past summer, all her fur grew back right away and you can't
ell there was ever a thing wrong with her.  Sebastian, however, is still
pretty bald.  The surgery was a few months ago, and his tummy is still
bald from when they shaved him-- maybe a few guard hairs, but no
undercoat.  Other than that, he doesn't have any more adrenal symptoms--
no more mounting or aggression, and he's lost the adrenal
skinny/potbellied look in favor of his old cute chubbiness.  It's just
the hair.  Will it ever grow back?  If so, when?
I know one answer is that the other gland is affected, but like I said
all his other sypmtoms disappeared when the first was removed.
Anyone with similar experiences, etc.?  His cagemate Pukka doesn't care,
she loves and adores Sebastian and uses his bald belly like a big fat
pillow!  I guess it's just the aesthetics of it.  Any help I can get
here would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot!
Rachel, Lola, Pukka, and Sebastian the baldy-butt
[Posted in FML issue 4491]