Hi everyone!  I usually read these so fast, I feel I'm missing a lot.
Today I don't work until this afternoon, though, so I have time to say
hello. :)
Two ferrets at my "shelter" found a loving home on Easter!  I was very
happy.  Wingnut and Widget went to live with a family who has one ferret
already.  It's so hard to find good homes for ferrets in a ferret free
zone, I was elated when I met this couple.  They REALLY love their
ferret, Dee, so I know they'll cherish Wingnut and Widget (Dana, if you
signed up for FML like I told you to, HI!!).
I've tried finding out if there is any way possible to become a licensed
shelter in CA, but to no avail.  The SPCA claimed that they send any
ferrets they get to Las Vegas, but I can't be sure they were telling the
truth.  They DID tell me that several ferrets come through their doors
every month and it makes me sick to think that they would put them down
or hand them over to the fish and game.  I've rescued 6 CA ferrets in
less than a year, which isn't much, but considering very few people know
about me, it's not too bad.  2 of the 6 are permanent residents and one
of the others can only go to a "special" home as she is deaf and likes to
bite until she gets to know you.  I love them all and they have their own
bedroom complete with a twin bed they like to sleep on and hide their
toys under.
Alicia, do you have a need for more cages or just space?  I have a cage
big enough for two ferrets (or more depending on how much time they are
out playing) that Wingnut and Widget were occupying and now I don't have
much need of it.  It isn't in great condition (the previous owner had
duck-taped over some holes in the cage) but it works.  If the cage is
not needed, can you post your address for donations to be sent to?
To everyone who has lost a ferret recently, I want to give you hugs and
Best wishes to everyone!
-Tamara and the Furkids
[Posted in FML issue 4490]