Massachusetts Ferret Friends will be holding its second General Meeting
for 2004 on May 6th at Habitat for Cats in New Bedford, MA.  The meeting
will begin promptly at 7PM, so you may wish to arrive around 6:30PM to
get settle in.  The business meeting will run from 7PM to 8:30PM with a
presentation by Jill Northrup on "Education - Targets and Goals for
2004".  This will be followed by a short social with a raffle, some
suprise items for sale and just plain "getting to know each other".
Jill's presentation on education will cover many areas where there is a
need and it is our aim to set specific goals for MaFF.  I am very excited
about this presentation as we will be putting together a very specific
plan for MaFF and its members with regards to providing education where
it is most needed.  If this has been your passion and your are a resident
of Massachusetts, I invite you to join us at this meeting.
Directions and details can be found under the heading "Events" on our
I look forward to seeing many familiar faces as well as some new faces.
Phyllis M. Spy
Massachusetts Ferret Friends, Inc.
A non-profit organization dedicated to education, outreach and shelter to
benefit the domestic ferret
[Posted in FML issue 4490]