I sit here with tears in my eyes where I just helped Kodo across the
bridge.  I dug a grave for him next to the others this morning knowing
what I had to do but had postponed as long as I could.
Kodo was so weak he could walk only about 10 or so inches and had to lay
down to rest.  He could not navigate the ramps in the cage, just like
Podo at his end.  I could see his throat throbbing and the noises coming
out, the poor little guy was suffering and there was no return to health
at this point so I did what an owner had to do.
Such a good boy he was.  Always glad to see me, licked my fingers and
loved to lick my nose, kisses.  I will for sure miss him dearly.  Most
At lest I still have my original ferret, Byte-me, a store bought Marshal
Farms animal, a most gentle powder puff of a fur ball that kisses me also
with most ginger tiny little licks so as to not offend me.  So sorry this
day came.  But is has and is to be over soon, the worst of it is over now.
Rest in Peace little guy.
Gordon and Byte-me
Missing Podo, Bud, Nibble-ed and Kodo
[Posted in FML issue 4489]