Hey Master Largo here; I just wants you all to know that mum has been
passing on all the prayers , good thoughts and getten better dance
messages to me.  I still is not feelen too good so I is going to pass
the duty of this news letter on to that waiten in the wings Mr. Bones.
Don't you be getten no ideas there bud; this is my job and I is going
to get back to work in a little while.
Well Hello there folks, Mr. Bones here.  I will finish this news letter
for Master Largo as he has indicated.  I will help him and mum out for as
long as they need me too.  I guess I will give you some back ground on
what has been going on here at the shelter and why I am doing the news
this month.  It all started back April 5th when Mum had to run Rocky-man
up to the hospital, he died on the way.  So Rocky man is at the bridge
waiten for mum.  On April 9th when mum was cutting nails for everyone.
She got that Blitzen up and was cutting her nails; she found a big ball
in her tummy down low between her hind legs.  So mums called our favorite
Doc and Aunt Mary, they said get that girl up her NOW!  So mum, did her
puter thing with requesting help.  Kaleigh and Peter they came down to
our house picked up Blitzen and got her to Doc.  In the mean time mum
gets this phone call from this real poopy human that has 2 fur kids, mum
has been trying to get them kids out of that place for years, now that
Rebecca is old and sick the poopy human wants mum to take the 2 kids he
has.  Mum said get them here.  2 hours later the 2 new kids was here
and mum was checking them out.  Rebecca has a sore bottom, she has an
infection in that sore bottom, has adrenal disease and mum thinks
insulinoma too.  Andy is in better condition but is thin and dirty.  Mum
figured out why, the poopy human was feeding them rabbit food.On top of
that their cage was so dirty that mum would not let them bring it into
the house!  So when our favorite Doc called mum to say Blitzen could come
home, Mum called Kaleigh and Peter to see if they could bring Blitzen
home, and take Rebecca back.  They did.  Then our favorite Doc gave mum
a bit of a lecture about trying to save the world.  she knows she can't
but she was not going to let that poopy human hurt these 2 kids any more.
On Monday the 12th mum goes back up to our favorite Doc to get Rebecca
so she can come home, take Blitzen back and get Largo into see Doc.
Blitzen is not getting better, and mum told Aunt Mary that she has not
pooped in 2 days.  That ball that was in her tummy was keeping her
from pooping so we had to help Blitzen cross over to the Bridge with
Rocky-man.  Largo is sick too so we leave him with Aunt Mary and our
favorite Doc to get better, he is going to be there over the Easter
holiday, mum was really really sad.  Mater Largo was working on getting
the new letter done so he could send it to you Easter Sunday with an
Easter song.  But he was too sick.  He is still too sick to do the news
that is why I am doing it.  Our favorite Doc thinks it is helicobacter
but we are still not sure.  He got to come home on the 16th so mum went
back to Brockport to pick him up.  We was without lectric for a week,
long story if you want to know you can go to this link to see what is up
Any way we have the Royal Order of the Pooper Scoopers helping mum to get
a handle on some of the bills we have, as well as posting mums store
stuff and web page.  Mum is sending packages out on the mail truck every
day!  YEA, thanks for your support.  Lots of people have sent stuff for
mum to put on eBay for auction, and stuff for us too.  Oh yeah Brave
Heart got an Easter basket from his far away mum.  Thanks far away mom
Aunt Ret and Bandit's far away mom ( Kay) have been sewing their fingers
to the bone trying to get stuff made for mum's store and eBay things.
Mum has NEW products in the store now; she is going to offer a couple of
them on eBay for auction.  The new baby cloths were offered on eBay, they
seemed to go okay so now mum has them in the store, and once I get off
the puter she is going to work on getting them on the web and in the eBay
store too.  But the best thing is the toy Bandit's far away mom made him
and he shares, do you believe that HE SHARES!  He is one cool little
dude.  Stinky but cool!  It is a really long fabric tube with PVC elbows
on the ends that we can run though, play on and go to sleep in when we
get tired.  We love that new toy.  Thanks Miss Kay!  Oh and Bandits far
away mom made our mum these beautiful napkin holders that has a ferret on
it.  Mum sure does love them and they work so much better than mum trying
to keep them in the bag they come in.  Mum got a message from the family
that adopted Lilly and Iris, Holly and her mom were at a store that had
ferrets and the ferrets had a dirty cage, dirty water.  They were not
being taken care of so Holly (she is 12) wrote a letter to the store
telling them she was not happy they were not taking care of the ferrets
properly.  You go Holly!!  See even at 12 you can make a difference all
you need to do it try!  Anyway I guess the store did not respond to Holly
but Holly's teacher gave her a very good grade on her letter for doing
her best at making a difference.  Mr. Dave and Miss Judy came a couple of
weeks ago to bring mum the new machine that takes care of our play yard.
Mum calls it a lawn mower and she only has to pull the cord once to get
it to go.  So she has our play yard all cleaned up and ready for us to
play in.  Sue M, Nichole and Mike ( I hope that is right) mum says her
brain is not working this morning and she is not sure that Mike is his
name, Kaleigh and Peter all came down last week to take us out to the
play yard to play.  We have so much fun out there.  I did not get to go
out; I was already in bed so mum did not get me up.  Anyone out there
want to come get me and take me out to the play yard?  I will play with
On that link I gave you is a list of things that have been donated, sent
and bought so go take a look.
Oh, May 2nd mum is going to Greece,NY to be at Petco, they called mum to
see if she would come set up and be a part of national adoption week.
Mum said she sure would.  So she is going to be in Greece,NY all
afternoon on May 2 come see her, she is going to take Brave Heart for
sure but she is not sure who else is going to with her.  Donna comes to
the house now to help mum do things and play with us, she brought us some
food and mum some yarn.  Mum says Donna is getten real good at changing
poop papers!  Jessica and Cindy came to help mum, Jeremy was here too but
he was down back at our creek fishing most of the time.  Peter brought
mum new filters for the dirt buster , Vicky donated Rainbow bridge rescue
poem in frames, Ret & Kay crochet eggs, crock dishes, Kaleigh & Peter ,
donated lots of stuff for mum to put on eBay to help pay bills.  Nicole
brought gift baskets, Sue; napkins, ferret treats, China markers, Desitin
for Brave Heart.  Well mum says I am more full of hot air than Master
Largo, I say there has been too much going on, so that is why this is so
long.  Mum and I have been discussing the possibility of letting Master
Largo retire from doing the news letter, (we have not approached Largo
with this) we are taking a pole on who should take over the news letter
if Master Largo can no longer continue.  So drop me a line Mr. Bones ICO
mum and let us know who you think should do the letter.
Signing off till next time Mr. Bones
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
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[Posted in FML issue 4489]