Am quite much beside myself today.  Kodo has not eaten for the second
day, nothing, not even water.  His throat is full of cancer, is why he
cannot eat.  He is so very weak I went to pick him up today and he fell
over, just could not stand up with a small nudge of my beginning to grasp
him around the body.  He rests his chin on a 'next level' from inside
the hammock so he can breathe.  He does not respond to my touch which he
always would turn to lick my fingers.  He most likely will have to be
helped across the bridge, maybe today but soon if he doesn't pass on his
He is such a good boy, very vocal with 'dooks' and fun to have around.
He never ever offered to nip or bite and got along well with all other
ferrets.  He is a very gentle good natured animal and he is so very dear
to me.  It takes a part of my own soul to see him erode.
Is a sad event for sure, one that all pet owners have to face at some
point.  One gets so very attached to these little critters, God's gift to
man where He gave man dominion over them to do as we choose.  But we need
not choose abuse or to render pain and suffering ever.  We can eat some,
and keep others as friends.  I choose to keep ferrets as friends and to
keep them safe and warm.  Kodo is a rescue from North Carolina where the
owners had him and his brother Podo and could not keep them longer where
they had a fastly growing family.  They loved these two little guys and
had given them plenty of toys and a good home, but their needs changed.
They gave me both with all their toys and food with no cost.  They have
been dear pets and I still keep in contact with those original owners.
Sadly I have to send this note to them with the news, they have been
aware of the problem for a while now.
Lets hope Kodo passes without pain and suffering and I can meet him in
Heaven when it is my turn.
Gordon, Byte-me and Kodo
[Posted in FML issue 4488]