Greetings to all -
I'm collecting stories about folks who have had both ferrets and newborn
babies (human).  We are expecting our first child in November and have
two very sensitive ferrets who are aggressive towards all strangers,
ferrets and human.  They are only now learning not to bite us after 7
months together.
Since I will need to keep them completely seperate from the baby for
safety reasons, I would love to hear from anyone who has also been in
this situation.  What did you do to make sure they were still feeling
loved on top of all the attention a newborn requires?  I'm especially
worried because they've been free roam for about 5 months now and it
has really let them trust us.  Baby coming means they go back in a cage
because we don't have an extra room to give them of their own.
Has this (or anything remotely like it) happened to you or someone you
know?  I would appreciate hearing how you handled it.
[Posted in FML issue 4488]