>>My point in writing about the problems with vaseline is obvious.  It
>>is dangerous.  With ferrets susceptible to so much disease *why* put
>>something with even a questionable value into their tiny systems?
>...to come out and say something is dangerous, when, in fact, there
>is no proof that it is, is just downright irresponsible.  We have too
>many new people who read this list and hang on to every word, because
>we are supposed to be 'in the know', so when they read something that
>is presented as fact, they leave with some very wrong ideas.
I know if Vasoline was dangerous I doubt the FDA would allow it to remain
available to the general public heck my fert Bubba consumed a small
amount and was fine and the hair ball treatment has petrolium jelly aka
Vasoline as one of the first ingredients the very treatment I give Bubba
and gave Snickers [God Rest his soul] some measure of releaf before he
passed away.
[Posted in FML issue 4487]