My name is Kerry and I am knew to the list.  One of my ferrets was
operated on at the end of February and had his spleen, with a large
tumour attached, removed.  After the operation he did brilliantly but now
he has started to retain fluid in his abdomen.  He is going back to the
vets this week but I wondered if anyone has had a similar situation and
could offer any advice.  I realise that the fluid retention is not a
good sign and that he might now have secondaries.  At the time of the
operation everything appeared to be OK and there was no sign of any other
growths.  I don't want to drag him on and make him suffer (animals are so
good at hiding pain) but I also don't want to lose him.  His pathology
report was as follows
"SAMPLE - Spleen
DESCRIPTION - The wedge of splenic tissue examined shows congestion and
patchy reticuloendothelial cell hyperplasia.  There is no distinct red
and white pulp division but through out the red pulp there are diffuse
and focal infiltrations of round cells.  This is a heterogenous cell
population including clusters of small hyperchronic lympoid cells and
foci of histiocytiod cells.  There are also many lymphobiastic cells
showing a more granular nucleus with indistinct nucleolus.  Mitotic
figures are infrequent in these cells.
INTERPRETATION - I suspect this is an early mixed cell lymphoma but
difficult to differentiate from lymphoid hyperplasia.  The prognosis
should be cautious following splenectomy."
Any input would be gratefully received.
[Posted in FML issue 4487]