>Vaseline is not considered flammable because it is not volatile; it
>produces almost no vapor.  Furthermore, what little vapor there is has a
>flash point of 400 degrees.  Technically it is a Class IIIb combustable
>liquid, similar to olive oil.
>This doesn't really bear on the safety to our little guys, except that
>oils with high volatility (most petrochemicals) are dangerous because
>damage is caused when the vapors are inhaled and get into the lungs.
>Since vaseline doesn't produce those vapors, this isn't a problem when
>vaseline is ingested as a laxative.
Hi all ~
My point in writing about the problems with vaseline is obvious.  It
is dangerous.  With ferrets susceptible to so much disease *why* put
something with even a questionable value into their tiny systems?
They are valuable to us, to some like children.  I have a problem with
belaboring the flammability of vaseline and will continue to say and
think it is not advisible to use it at all.
Warmly ~
  Mary L. Conley, ND, Herbalist
Conley Farm Organic Herbs
Online Classes  ~ Private Consultations
[Posted in FML issue 4485]