This months raffle is for the WONDERFUL Lisa and her Shelter kids, of
Ferret Haven by the Sea/Va Beach.Va
Lisa has been CMF's medical advisor for ages now and we wanted to
"give back" and show her just how much our members Love & Appreciate
her.  Finally,here we are.  Every time i have tried to give Lisa
anything, i get "I'm Ok,give it to so & so, we will be fine"
This time we just did it;)))
A bit of history..... Lisa's Shelter is full of elderly ferrets,  the
youngest being just over 4 yrs old.  The older the ferret,  the less
chance that poor lil ferret has of finding a Forever home;(
Plus as we know, the older the ferret the more likely medical issues are
to arise.  At the present time, her monthly Vet bills are running about
$300.00.  She has 10 on Lupron Therapy and 2 more facing operations next
Lisa recently saved a lil kit named Rocky Bobble, who had bacterial
meningitis.  They were advised to put him, down.  Not Lisa!  Another
challenge!!  It was a major struggle, but under her love & care, Rocky
blossomed into a wonderful lil kit and is doing terrific in his new
home.  His medical care was not cheap, however and Lisa paid the $922.00
herself.  Working full time and supporting a Shelter is not an easy feat.
Sure is one we respect, tho!!  Lisa Rocks!
Oh sure, Lisa COULD have plenty of money to blow.. but she doesn't. Her
Shelter kids ALWAYS come first;)  At this time, in Lisa's own words "We
are hangin' in there" but with the ages of her residents, every second
could bring a surprise.  An expensive one.  Money is going out but
without adoptions, none coming in;( We have never known Lisa to turn a
ferret away, no matter the situation.  We think/know she is an Angel;))
This is one of our BEST Raffles, yet;))  The prizes are totally amazing!
First prize another of Erics fantastic Tornado Toys... these toys are
LOVED by every ferret who is lucky enough to get to play. ;)  Value?
Roughly $80.00 inc shipping... nice to "win" one~!
The second prize?? HUGE!
Everything from one of Junes big fun playmats/sleepsacks, a darling
ferret watch, to a complete bedding set created by Rosemary German &
2 pieces done by Kat Parsons... Value?  Don't know.  At least $150.00!!!
Then we have charming baskets, stuffed full of ferret goodies, for 3rd &
4th prizes.
You can't go wrong on this one!  So please buy tickets & buy BIG???
The proceeds will be split between Lisa's kids and the CMF emergency med
fund..;)  Please click on our URL here:
 ....and LOOK,LOOK,LOOK!!!!!!
Then? BUY,BUY.BUY!!!!
Now,you can even charge your tickets!!!!
We take Pay pal,charges,check,money order or cash....;)  Everything but
food stamps;))
So get yer' lil butts in gear & help??? (lol)
Thanks so very much!!!!!!  You are keeping these Shelters going with your
support~!!!!  You are Awesome!!;)
Sending Love,
ClubMedFerrets & Lisa Haven;)
[Posted in FML issue 4485]