It is with an incredible amount of sadness that I'm writing to say that
my little sable troublemaker and sweetgirl, YokoOHNO!  is being helped
to pass over the Rainbow Bridge tonight.
Always one to have an immense amount of attitude, my little regal queen
girl has been winding down slowly over the past 6 months, and has lately
been content to snuggle and to watch the antics of the rest of the
Collective from a distance or preferably from my lap.
It became obvious at midnight last night that her time was drawing
near... I held her all night snuggled in a baby blanket, and after a
discussion with our fabulous vet clinic this morning, the decision was
reached to allow her to leave this plane with dignity and with a minimum
of suffering.
Although I am no longer a member of the Alberta Ferret Society, I would
like to take this opportunity to let them know of Yoko's passing, and to
thank them profusely for allowing me to be a foster mom to and then be
adopted by YokoOHNO (formerly Holly).  My life is richer for having had
this little one in it, and there will always and forever be a Yoko-sized
spot in my heart that nothing can replace.
Rest little YokoOHNO.  I promise to celebrate your life and what you've
done for me, and not dwell on the passing of your indomitable spirit.
and the Ferret Collective
Barnum & Bailey, Kami & Clio, Finnegan
and our little Foster Girl
"Resistance is Futile"
Support Care2 Email: Stop "scientific" whaling, the whale-killing
[Posted in FML issue 4483]