Chicken Gravy:
Will the person who wrote how to make chicken gravy in the crockpot so
the bones are soft please email me?  I can't locate it on the FML and
forgot to save it.
Possible hairball remedy:
I read in a natural remedies book that butter is good for hairballs
and/or constipation for cats.  Since my (departed) cat refused Laxatone
(two people had to hold her down just to smear it on her paw!) I tried
butter (unsalted).  It worked very well and fussy Yoda liked it.
Rocky likes it too, even though he doesn't like any other milk products;
I know milk prods.  can cause diarrhea, but in small amounts, Rocky
didn't have this problem.  I never had a hairball problem, but it helped
pass through some of the junk he manages to eat.  It's worth a try if
you have nothing else or your ferret won't take anything else.
Also, any oil should work.  When Rocky was blocked by a big chunk of
rubber from sink plug, he wouldn't accept anything except Ferretone,
and it eventually came out in a puddle of oil.  It worked twice.  (Now
I attached a long heavy chain to the plug so I don't forget to put it
away.)  Of course, these things always happen on the weekend.
During shedding season I comb him usually daily with one of those steel
combs with the fine teeth (I think it's called a flea comb) and it pulls
out all the loose hair, including the chunks.  I never have any hairball
problems, nor any fur on me or my furniture.  I realize those with many
ferrets & shelters probably don't have time to do this.
Dooks, and good health to all furkids,
Shron & Rocky
[Moderator's note: My understanding is that oils are not effective since
they are digested and thus do not remain slippery.  Mineral oil and the
oil substitute Olestra are exceptions.  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4483]