Dear FML'ers,
You have come to know our family over the last two years very well and
have even purchased from our eBay store, Turn Back the Clock DVDs, to
help us support our wonderful weasels.  Now we come to you for help in
another way.  We have had ferrets in our apartment for over two years
with a doctor's note stating they were to assist me physically and
psychologically in dealing with the unknown ailments I suffer from.  It
has now been decided that you can "get a doctor to write anything you
want" and letting us have these animals, when everybody else is limited
to one pet, is showing "favoritism".  Even though are apartment manager
and the apartment owner approves of our ferret family, the management
company has put their foot down and is determined to see the ferrets go.
I can't comprehend how we can have them for over two years and now
they are a problem.  They don't mind the guide dog (service animal) or
unclawed cat (unclawing was condition set by apartment complex), but
the ferrets are two many animals, now.  Aren't they service animals
too, since we have a doctor's note?  I had the representative from the
management company listen to the MacFarland's CD about ferrets as
therapy, but she just picked out all the negative aspects of ferrets,
such as oil in their hair, fitting into tiny places and such.
Per the adoption contract on all our ferrets, they will be returned to
the ferret shelter, Dook-N-Dance, we adopted them from.  Linda and Jane
will be coming here next week to get them.  We will continue to support
Dook-N-Dance as best we can, and we regret having to put an extra burden
on them.  We are very thankful they are more than willing to accept the
ferrets back and have room for them.
Any advice anyone can give would be helpful.  Most will say, "Just move
somewhere else", but that isn't an option when low-income housing does
not allow pets in general.  We have looked all around our own area and
where are families live, but only high-rent complexes and houses will
allow so many pets.  Even cheap trailors privately owned are not willing
to let "nasty ferrets" in as residents.
I want so much to provide a forever home for the babies that helped me
walk again.  Two years ago I could barely crawl around on the floor, but
I did because they encouraged me.  They even help me psychologically so
that I don't have to take depression medications that make me sick.
Somebody, help us please!  I'm going to lose my children!
Lori & Rat's Brats in North Carolina
(Lance, Merlin, Nikita,
    Pirate & Sandy)
[Posted in FML issue 4483]