Hi all,
I was wondering if someone out there could help me put together an
information type brochure for people wondering more about ferrets?  In
this brochure I would just put in info about food, cage and exercise
requirements, stinkiness, ferret proofing, where to fing more info online
and how to subscribe to ferret groups, and such.  This brochure is
intended for people who come into the humane society saying, " I seen the
ferrets at the pet store and really want one." I want this brochure to
scare off the people that don't want to make a lot of changes in their
lifestyle.  I also want this brochure to leave the people that think they
could have room in their hearts for a ferret craving more information.
I also want to put together a big old information packet for a person
that is SERIOUSLY considering a ferret.  I want to include things like
the basics, bathing, diseases and ailments, fun enrichment games, ferret
related web sites, books, and groups, colors, ferret proofing IN DEPTH,
cleaning, first aid kits, behavior, training, biting problems, and so on.
I am getting alot of ideas from Ferret for Dummies but I am having a hard
time putting it all together without worrying about copywrite stuff.  So
if you have a website I can "steal" from, that would help.  I want to get
this done ASAP because we have a new ferret owner finishing the adoption
next week.  I am in no way going to profit from this, I just don't want
people to be suprised that the ferret they take home needs more that food
and water.  Any suggestions would help.  Please e-mail me directly.
Dayna, Gonzo, Kodo, & Daisy
[Posted in FML issue 4482]